Week 1 | God Does Not Tie His Shoelaces
About This Message
Out Of Egypt
Week 1: God Does Not Tie His Shoes
I. God’s Motivation
- God is motivated by His love.
- God is motivated by His promise to His people.
II. Slaves To Sin
- The slavery is the sin. (John 8:34, NLT).
- Sin doesn’t just hurt God, it hurts us.
III. Jesus’ Death = More Than A Demonstation of Love
- He took our pain of sin so we could live with His righteousness (1 Peter 2:24, NLT).
- He secured our redemption with His own love (Hebrews 9:12, NLT).
- Eternal not Temporay.
- Atonement
- We don’t have to work for it — we don’t have to “earn” it.
- By God’s grace we are saved (Ephesians 2:4-5, NLT).
IV. God Does Not Tie His Shoelaces
- God doesn’t have time to tie his shoelaces. When He hears our cries and sees our need, He immediately comes running.
- God is coming to rescue you from your pain, just as he had the Israelites.
V. What do we do?
- Our next step should always be Jesus.
- We can either look at the mess or we can look at Jesus.